Society Elections Now Open!

The 2020 ASCE Election is officially open! Vote today or any time before June 1, 2020, 5:00 PM CDT at:

Voting is easy – use your ASCE email and password to login!

A benefit of ASCE membership is choosing the leadership that will guide our organization into the future – make sure your voice is heard and cast your ballot today!

Official Nominees for President-elect on this year’s ballot include:

Maria Lehman, P.E., ENV SP, F.ASCE
Dennis D. Truax, Ph.D., P.E., DEE, D.WRE, F.NSPE, F.ASCE

Vote by using your ASCE email and password at:

Important on the ballot are revisions to the Society’s Constitution. You can see the proposed Constitutional changes, as well as information on the Nominees seeking office in your Region, from the online ballot or ASCE’s website.

Please show your support for all the individuals who have expressed their willingness to serve you and the Society. Vote today!

COVID-19 Webinar Highlights

Thank you to all who were able to attend the COVID-19 Webinar yesterday! We had 100 people registered, which was the limit on registration, and we really appreciated everyone engaging in the conversation through

This is a call to action for civil engineers. During a pandemic in which hand washing is the #1 recommendation, we need to be advocates for better infrastructure like drinking water.

We as civil engineers have the responsibility for the health, safety, and welfare of the public.

One of the questions that we asked was what suggestions do members have for online CEU's as the renewal deadlines for MN & WI are not currently being extended. Some of the responses were:

  • ASCE (10 free PDHs through your membership)

  • American Public Works Association (APWA)

  • MN Concrete Pipe Association


  • AWMA

  • NSPE (15 free PDHs)

  • Midwest Geosciences

  • ULI

  • DBIA

  • Risk through Insurance agent

  • MN Stormwater seminar series

  • Virtual conferences - e.g., AISC, ACEC, GBA

  • Pipeline and Gas Journal webinars


  • Red Vector

  • through your employer

Other discussion included pro-tips for working from home, working safely in the office or field, and tips for a successful virtual meeting.

A video recording of the presentation is available on our YouTube station HERE.

We encourage you to continue the discussion with other members using, or by reaching out to us here at the ASCE-MN Board. “Talk” to you soon!

Meeting postponements & cancellations

We are experiencing unprecedented times due to the outbreak of COVID-19. Following the latest recommendations of CDC and MDH for social distancing and limiting group gathering, the ASCE Minnesota Section will not host any in-person meetings until future notice. The health and safety of our members always come first. 

Though we have to cancel all section meetings, ASCE offers a number of online learning tools for your professional growth, such as E-learning webinars and On-demand webinars. We encourage you to explore these valuable resources. 

The following events hosted by the Younger Member Group will also be postponed or revised:

  • "ABCs of ASCE" event on March 24th - postponed.

  • Annual Twins game outing - postponed from May 5th to a later date given the information we currently have (Major League Baseball will not be playing games until at least mid-May) and the uncertainty surrounding how quickly baseball operations will resume. Anyone who has already purchased a ticket to the May 5th game will be able to either shift their registration to the later date or be fully refunded.

  • All YMG monthly board meetings for the foreseeable future will be taking place via teleconference. Call-in information can be obtained by emailing Matthew Hardegger at

We will continue monitoring the situation and keep you informed. Stay Healthy.


Jia-Liang Le PH.D., P.E.

ASCE-MN President

DEADLINE EXTENDED - Outstanding Engineer of the Year Award

Outstanding Engineer of the Year

The Minnesota Section of ASCE has established the ASCE-MN Outstanding Engineer of the Year Award to recognize the outstanding contribution of local engineers to the civil engineering profession.

The selection criteria for this award includes:

  • Outstanding technical contributions to the civil engineering profession.

  • Outstanding professional and leadership contributions to the civil engineering profession

  • Significant contributions to the local community representing the civil engineering profession.

  • Outstanding contributions in the area of civil engineering education.

The recipient must be both a member of ASCE and the Minnesota Section.

The Board of Directors is soliciting nominations for this award, to be presented at our annual awards banquet in April 2020. Members wishing to nominate a fellow member for this award must submit a letter of recommendation identifying their nominee and addressing the contributions of the nominee relative to the criteria above. Letters of recommendation must be sent to by March 27, 2020. 

Awards Winner Announced

John-S.-Gulliver 2017 cropped.jpg

Dr. John S. Gulliver, Ph.D., P.E., D.WRE, F.ASCE from the #ascemn section has been selected by the ASCE Environmental and Water Resources Institute to receive the  2020 Hunter Rouse Hydraulic Engineering Award for “over three decades of service in bringing water quality into the field of hydraulic engineering, education engineering students, authoring prominent textbooks and handbooks and serving engineering practice.”

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Gulliver!

Winter Newsletter is LIVE

The Winter Newsletter is in!

Articles include:

  • Message from the President including award winners & nominees

  • U of M Student Chapter update

  • Sponsor Article by SEH on Drones

  • Upcoming Structural Committee Events

  • Membership Appreciation Photos

  • Civil Engineering Day at the Science Museum on 2/29

  • Younger Member Group update

  • Conference Recaps

  • Fabric Structures Article

…and more! Check it out HERE.

Meet Your Board Members - First Past President

Q&A with your 2019-2020 First Past President: Jason Staebell


Where do you work?

Hennepin County Transportation Department - I am a Principal Project Manager in the design division. I manage various road design projects in Hennepin County. I have worked at Hennepin County almost 7 years. Prior to working at Hennepin County I started my career at HNTB and worked there for 12 years.

Tell us about your role on the ASCE board.

As of October 1 I am the 1st past president.

What previous positions have you held with ASCE?

Other than being on the board for the better part of a decade I have had roles with the Younger Members Group and was the transportation committee chair. I was also the chair of the first ever infrastructure report card for Minnesota.

Have you ever met anyone famous?

I once met Ice-T at a Burger King in the Las Vegas airport.

What was your first job?

My first job was a summer job at the Valleyfair amusement park in Shakopee, Minnesota. I worked there for 2 summers. It was a fun job and was nice to be outside.