Meet Your Board Members - Director of Outreach

Q&A with your 2019-2020 Director of Outreach: Alysa Johnson


What do you do for work?

I work as a highway engineer focused on roadway design for SRF Consulting Group.

Tell us about your role on the ASCE board.

I am the Director of Outreach where I’ll focus on organizing activities in the community to help educate and excite the community about civil engineering.

What previous positions have you held with ASCE?

I was involved with the ASCE YMG as the outreach chair for a couple years, then as the president and past president.

Who inspires you?

My grandmother is my biggest inspiration. Not only is she kind and loving, but I am astonished on how she was able to get through life’s struggles while building her career and raising a family. My favorite days are drinking coffee or wine and talk about fun memories.

What was your first job?

My first job was working in guest services at the Elm Creek Park Reserve’s winter chalet where I sold passes, rentals, and lessons. The next summer I lifeguarded at their man made swimming pond where I met my future husband!

Meet Your Board Members - Treasurer

Q&A with your 2019-2020 Treasurer: Jeremy Walgrave

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What do you do for work?

I am a project Manager and Water Resources Engineer at SEH.

Tell us about your role on the ASCE board.

Treasurer – I will be working with the Board to manage income and expenses for the ASCE Minnesota Section.

What previous positions have you held with ASCE?

Director of Events – I was in charge of setting up the monthly section meetings.

What’s the coolest thing you are working on right now (at home or at work)?

I’m currently preparing plans and specifications to build some backwater islands in the Mississippi River.

What was your first job?

I had a couple interesting jobs in high school – working at a cemetery and working as a bee keeper.

Fall Newsletter

The Fall ASCE-MN Newsletter has been posted HERE.

In the Fall Newsletter you will find articles about:

  • Message from the Newly Elected President

  • U of M & St. Thomas Student Chapter updates

  • Sponsor Article by Bolton & Menk

  • Election Results

  • Committee Updates: History & Heritage, EWB, and more

  • Sept & Oct Meeting Recaps

  • Future City Save the Date

  • Younger Member Group updates

  • and more!

Civil Engineering Landmark Nomination - Help Wanted

The History and Heritage Committee is looking for volunteers to help with the nomination of the Upper Mississippi Reservoir Dam System as a National Civil Engineering Historic Landmark.  This reservoir system required the construction of the following dams in north central Minnesota.

Lake Winnibigoshish

Leech Lake

Pokegama Falls

Pine River

Sandy Lake

Gull Lake

It was the first reservoir system built in the United States for the purpose of flood control and navigation, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers began planning it in 1869.  The original wood-and-stone construction of the 6 dams occurred from 1881 to 1896. Within 20 years, each of the wood-and-stone structures was replaced with concrete, and the concrete dams remain in operation today.

The Upper Mississippi Reservoir Dam System preceded the “9-Foot Channel Project” that resulted in the construction of 29 locks and dams along the Mississippi River between St. Paul and St. Louis (constructed from 1927 to 1940).

To see previously nominated landmarks visit

Please contact A.J. Schwidder at if you are interested in helping with this nomination effort.

Meet Your Board Members - President Elect

Q&A with your 2019-2020 President-Elect: Tim Lamkin Jr.


What do you do for work?

I am a senior transportation engineer for Bolton & Menk's Transportation group in Burnsville, Minnesota. Typical project responsibilities include project management, preliminary and final roadway design, and preparation of plans and specifications.

Tell us about your role on the ASCE board?

I was just elected President-Elect, which starts a three-year term as a presidential officer for the Section.

What previous positions have you held with ASCE?

I have been involved with ASCE since 2002 where I was treasurer for the student chapter (2003-2004) and co-captain of the concrete canoe team (2003-2004). After graduation I joined the Younger Member Group and was president of the group (2009-2012). I have also held various leadership positions in ASCE MN Section including Director of Committees (2012-2014), ASCE Leadership Conference Chair (2016-2017), Director of Events (2014-2017) and the Section’s Treasurer (2017-2019). I have also been an active member of the Section’s Transportation Committee. In 2014, He was named the ASCE MN Section Younger Engineer of the Year.

What’s the coolest thing you are working on right now?

I just built an outdoor playhouse for my daughters from scratch, complete with a swing set and slide. The project ended up taking longer than expected but was fun to work on a project with the entire family.

Favorite way to spend your weekends?

I do my best to set aside weekends to spend time with my wife, twin daughters and three pups. We like spending summers at Target Field with the MN Twins and the fall at TCF Bank Stadium with the Gophers. My daughters are starting to really love soccer, so I see lots of weekends fall of soccer games in my future 😊.

Renew early for a chance to WIN

Renew your 2020 ASCE membership early and earn chances to win one of four prizes, including the grand prize worth $1,000

  • Renew by October 15, 2019 for a chance to win a $250 Gift Card (U.S. members), or a free year of ASCE membership (international members)

  • Renew by November 12, 2019 for a chance to win a $100 Gift Card (U.S. members), or a free year of ASCE membership (international members)

  • Renew by December 13, 2019 for a chance in the grand prize drawing for a $1,000 Gift Card (U.S. members)

More info here (redirects to

How to Update Your Contact Info

Not getting our emails? Switched jobs? Moved? Here’s how to update your contact information on file with ASCE MN.

  • Go to

  • Click “Member Login” at the top of the page

  • Log in with username & password

  • At the very bottom of the page in the “Membership” column, click on “Manage”

  • Your account page will then pop up, where you can update email, mailing address, communication preferences, etc.

This is your one-stop shop! Any changes made will automatically get updated at the local level (ASCE MN communicates via email). Still having issues? Email