Section Awards


And the winner is…

Nominate yourself or your peers for the below section awards!

Outstanding Engineer of the Year

The Minnesota Section of ASCE has established the ASCE-MN Outstanding Engineer of the Year Award to recognize the outstanding contribution of local engineers to the civil engineering profession.

The selection criteria for this award includes:

  • Outstanding technical contributions to the civil engineering profession.

  • Outstanding professional and leadership contributions to the civil engineering profession

  • Significant contributions to the local community representing the civil engineering profession.

  • Outstanding contributions in the area of civil engineering education.

The recipient must be both a member of ASCE and the Minnesota Section.

The Board of Directors is soliciting nominations for this award, to be presented at our annual awards banquet this spring. Members wishing to nominate a fellow member for this award must submit a letter of recommendation identifying their nominee and addressing the contributions of the nominee relative to the criteria above. Letters of recommendation must be sent to by February 22, 2024. 


2023 Outstanding Engineer of the Year

Awardee: Tim Lamkin Jr, P.E.


Life Member Award

To obtain Life Member status, Individuals in the grade of Fellow, Member, Associate Member, or Affiliate must be at least 65 years old, have paid dues in any membership grade except student for at least 35 years AND have had ten years continuous membership immediately preceding the attainment of Life Member. Life member awards are tracked on the Society level and the Minnesota Section presents the awards on an annual basis at our awards banquet every April.


MFESTS awards nominations are submitted by the Section board to MFESTS according to their submission deadline each January. See for more information.

Distinguished Engineer of the Year:

The Board of the Minnesota section of ASCE nominates one member for this Minnesota Federation of Engineering, Science, and Technology Societies (MFESTS) award. This award recognizes outstanding lifetime achievements in the practice of engineering, contributions to the engineering profession, and actions enhancing the image of engineering in our society. 

Young Engineer of the Year:

The Board of the Minnesota section of ASCE nominates one member for this MFESTS award.  This award recognizes outstanding achievement by an engineer less than 35 years of age.  Nominees are judged on the basis of educational and collegiate achievements; professional society activities; civic and humanitarian activities; continuing competence; engineering achievements; and overall professional experience.

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Distinguished Engineer of the Year Recipient

Awardee: Thomas J. Eggum, P.E., F.ASCE

Mr. Eggum is cited for a career of 46 years in civil engineering beginning with 2 years with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 32 years with the St. Paul Public Works Department including, and 12 years as a Public Works Consultant for TKDA. Mr. Eggum also has an outstanding record of service to the profession. He has served in numerous leadership roles locally and nationally with ASCE and continues to promote awareness of aging infrastructure through Minnesota 2050 where he helped create three videos: State of Repair: Liquid Assets, State of Repair: Roads and Bridges; and State of Repair: Industries of Constant Motion.

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Young Engineer of the Year Recipient

Awardee: James (Jimmy) Bennett, PE, LEED AP, M.ASCE

Jimmy was nominated for in recognition of his involvement in the Future World Vision ASCE group and his contributions to the geotechnical engineering field. Mr. Bennet has been involved in numerous high-profile projects in Minnesota as the lead instrumentation and geotechnical engineer.


Section Scholarships

Scholarships are nominated in the spring each year and awarded at the Section’s April awards banquet.

ASCE MN Structures Committee - SEI Chapter Scholarship Award - $2,000

The ASCE-MN Structural Committee and chapter of SEI awards a scholarship to an outstanding undergraduate member of ASCE, with a focus in structures, to encourage further studies and a future career in the rewarding field of structural engineering. The selection is based on the paper application, which involves an essay.

Outstanding Student and Activities (Student) - $250 ea. + book (3 per school)

These scholarships recognizes both outstanding academic performance and services as well as level of engagement in student activities. Each school has its own selection committee, which primarily involves faculty members.

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Joseph Goodman, M. ASCE Scholarship - $3,000

Dr. Lawrence E. Goodman (pictured) was a Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Minnesota for 35 years starting in 1954 and was Head of Department of Civil Engineering from 1965 to 1972. Dr. Goodman provided a gift to the Section which was to be held as an endowment to provide a cash award to a “graduate of the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Minnesota having the highest score on the Fundamentals of Engineering examination” (from those examinees who have consented to disclosing their scores). The Section awards the Goodman scholarship to the most outstanding student majoring in Civil Engineering, as nominated by their school’s faculty. This prize is in memory of Joseph Goodman, M. ASCE.


If you would like to nominate someone for an award or have questions, please complete the form below:


Society Awards

In acknowledgement of the following Society award recipients from the Minnesota Section…


Mr. Ryan Berg, P.E., D.GE, F.ASCE has been selected by the ASCE’s Geo-Institute to receive the 2021 Martin S. Kapp Foundation Engineering Award for “his expertise in geosynthetic-reinforced earthworks and retaining structures and for his lifelong contributions to the developments and applications of MSE walls, which helped create innovative solutions for practical problems.

Other recent Society Awards presented to Minnesota Section members:

Dr. John S. Gulliver, Ph.D., P.E., D.WRE, F.ASCE from the Minnesota Section has been selected by the ASCE Environmental and Water Resources Institute to receive the  2020 Hunter Rouse Hydraulic Engineering Award for “over three decades of service in bringing water quality into the field of hydraulic engineering, education engineering students, authoring prominent textbooks and handbooks and serving engineering practice.

Visit the national society Awards page for a list of ASCE society awards. To find out what is coming up next, their awards deadlines page lists the society awards by due date.