We would like to apologize for the lack of engagement from the YMG over the past six months. When the pandemic hit in March and everything went virtual, we frankly lacked ideas to maintain momentum and transition our events to virtual. The core of this group has long been in-person, large group social events that allow younger engineers the opportunity to meet people from outside their place of work. While we have failed to provide these opportunities and can't recover the last several months, the YMG will strive to provide some opportunities for networking over the fall and winter months to allow you to grow your personal and professional network in the Twin Cities engineering community.
The 2020-21 ASCE YMG Board is:
President: Matt Hardegger
Vice President: vacant seat
Past President: Cody Preisler
Secretary/Media Chair: Meredith Lis
Treasurer: Jacob Bray
Networking Chair: Felipe Ortega
Education and Outreach Chair: Chloe Weber
Awards Chair: Maren Mosley
The board is a great opportunity to expand your network, get involved in the Twin Cities engineering community, and open up a world of opportunities available to you through the national ASCE Committee on Younger Members (Younger Member Leadership Symposium, Central Region Younger Member Council, Legislative Fly-In, etc). If you have ideas for events you would like to see over the winter months and into 2021, we would love for you to join our monthly planning meetings. Please email Matt at ymg.president@ascemn.org if you are interested.
Sign up for our fall networking scramble now! Registrants will be grouped by activity comfort level and location, groups will then pick an activity the entire group is comfortable with to network! Sign up by 10/21, groups will be notified on 10/22 for activities to occur over the following two weeks.